Starting a Forest / Forest Establishment

Dates available

3-5 September 2024

9:00 to 17:00


Jens Haufe

Course fee

£495 + VAT


Forest of Ae, Dumfries and Galloway

If you would like to sign up for this course, please email us at [email protected]. We will get in touch with you to provide details on the registration process.

Additionally, we offer four discounted spots per course for students. If you are a student, please mention this in your email, and we’ll let you know if any discounted student spots are still available.

In a nutshell

This module provides an overview of the principles of forest establishment including ground preparation, planting, and maintenance operations, both on restock and afforestation sites. Particular emphasis is given to the use and management of natural regeneration as an establishment method. The module includes indoor sessions as well as extensive site visits and practical exercises.

Prerequisite knowledge

  • Basic understanding of forestry practice and/or undergraduate degree or equivalent
  • Understanding of site conditions and tree species selection

Learning outcomes

Delegates can conclude from site conditions on appropriate ground cultivation techniques and apply them to best practice. They are able to design and supervise establishment operations, decide on necessary protection measures, put a suitable monitoring system in place and plan respacing, formative shaping and pruning interventions if and when they become necessary.

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